🔥 Transformative Goal Setting: The Career Operating System that changed my life
Learn the process I use to set, achieve and review my goals every single month
Hello friends! 👋
Welcome to the SportsGrad Podcast: The ultimate guide to make it in the sports industry!
Each week we share how people made it in sports and tease out their career decisions, work habits, skills, and everything they do that makes them great.
All so you can learn how to get in, get promoted, and get thriving in the sports industry.
Hey guys, Reuben here, with your guide to goal setting and motivation.
Today’s pod is a very special recording of a live workshop I ran last week, specifically tailored to Young Professionals in sport, to help those currently working, level up and hit some epic career goals.
If you’re like I once was and you set goals (or aren’t sure how to), and forget to revisit them and drop off, this workshop is for you. I struggled with the same issues, and found goal setting overwhelming, so I read a lot of books, did a lot of trial and error, and came up with a system that makes it easier to stick to my goals than it is to drop off.
In this pod, I share with you that system, and it has underpinned my career and everything I’ve done in the last 3 years. Since creating it, it’s helped me:
Live my dream working & travelling the world
Licence my course in Universities in Australia and Canada
Grow my LinkedIn profile to reach 4M people
Grow the SportsGrad Community to 650+ Members
Even beat my half-marathon PB by 6 minutes (1:22:02)
You don’t have to be running a business for this to work for you - the entire team at SportsGrad now use it, and you can make it work no matter what job you’re in.
Also - you might have seen on socials last week we put out the feelers for a SportsGrad Pro Community and it has been phenomenal! We’re super excited to begin a new community for those who are Young Professionals and want to make progress fast. Keep your eye out for more updates!
On that note, I’m pumped to be sharing my process with you, it’s the first time I’ve publicly let others in on what I do behind closed doors. Make sure you tune in to this pod, and let us know how you use this system!
In this episode we cover:
(00:00) – Introduction
(02:27) – Webinar Begins
(04:51) – Reuben’s Goal setting journey
(12:56) – Career Operating System explained
(16:24) – Creating your Personal Mindmap
(18:06) – Setting your Vision and Goals
(23:02) – Building your Habits
(26:07) – Reuben’s daily cheat sheet
(28:24) – Creating your Career Operating System
(32:33) – Monthly Check-in’s
(36:40) – Introduction to Fear Setting
(39:17) – Hacks for consistency
(40:00) – Q&A
How does this episode sound to you? |
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Community Wins ⭐️
The SportsGrad Community is an exclusive Membership for students, grads, and young professionals who want a job in sport.
Here’s what SportsGrad Members got up to last week...
Ben Lucas accepted a role as Game Development Officer at the National Rugby League
Yugandh Zende has landed a position with Melbourne Sports Centres as a Customer Experience Supervisor
Dom Ford is starting as a Communications Intern with Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness
Fu Hsiung Chang has joined the Melbourne United Basketball Club as a Match Day Team Member
SportsGrad Members have landed over 450+ jobs in sport.
If you've had a win, share it with us in the #wins channel on Discord!
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P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:
Grow your network in the sports industry with like-minded peers and professionals at our Meetup Events
Join over 650+ Members who have landed 450+ roles in sport in the SportsGrad Community and get exclusive jobs, resources, events and discounts.
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