How to optimise your SportsGrad profile to open heaps of opportunities


Welcome to SportsGrad.

Have you dived into Discord yet?

If it feels overwhelming at first, don’t worry.

A lot is going on, but we’ll help you make sense of it.

We’re here to help you make the most of your Membership.

One person who used the Community resources and networks perfectly is Parth Suri, the ex-Westpac Banker who landed a job 29 days after becoming a Member.

Learn how he used the Community to his advantage below.

One of the keys to utilising Sportsgrad is setting up your profile and making yourself know. Here’s how:

3 steps to set up your SportsGrad Discord server profile

Before we begin - you’re going to need Discord on your devices - this is the portal where Members hang out.


1. Correct photo & naming

You’re here to meet people, learn and get a job right? Unless people can see your face, you’re another random profile on the internet. Don’t risk weirding people out - add a ‘stunning’ headshot 🤩

People also need to know who you are (and so do we!). Update your profile name to simply your first and last name, and if you’re working or studying somewhere, and the organisation name in brackets.

e.g. ‘Reuben Williams (SportsGrad)’ 

e.g. ‘Shimona Albuquerque (AFL)’

e.g. ‘Eeshan Deshmukkh (Deakin University - Masters)’


We hate to be a Negative Nancy (soz to all the Nancys!), but sometimes we get randoms slipping in. So unless we can identify your profile, you’re at risk of our security team (made up of 17 ex-Navy SEALS and 15 retired professional rugby players who all represented Tonga in the front row) carrying your profile kicking and screaming out of the Community 🙃

✅ Good photo - we can clearly see your face

❌ Bad photo - your face is tiny, who dis?


2. Correct bio description

Alright, we can see you, now we need to hear you.

Write a little about yourself so people can understand how they can help you.

Things to include: 

  • What’s your availability to work? (e.g. Open to to full-time roles immediately)

  • Where and what did you study? (e.g. Dark Arts at Hogwarts grad. 2011)

  • Where do you live? (If you didn’t get the HP reference, you may answer ‘under a rock’)

  • What are you working on at the moment? (e.g. Social Media @NRL)

  • Where people can find you (e.g. LinkedIn URL)


3. Introduce yourself in the #introductions channel

Awesome. Amazing. Beautiful.

Your profile is looking glorious.

It’s time to let people know you’ve arrived and get into the feed.

Head to the #introductions channel and post an introduction using the format below:

🤝 Name and location

🌟 About me

💻 What I’m currently working on

💼 How I can help / What I would love help with

🚀 My future aspirations

🌐 My LinkedIn URL


That’s all for now.

Chat soon,

- Founder