🧡 How to make the most of your early career

I'm on Dyl & Friends podcast! Have a listen

Hey guys,

Hope you’re having a ripping week!

This week I had a career highlight - I was interviewed on the Dyl & Friends podcast.

In the ep we talked about ‘How to make the most of your early career’.

Although I’m pretty familiar with talking in public, I was nervous going into this one.

I think it was because the ‘Dyl & Friends’ podcast has been such a great source of information for me, so to be actually contributing to it made me feel ALL the pressure.

Nonetheless, we got it done and had a blast in the process.

I did want to interrupt your Friday morning to highlight one principle of career growth that we touched on:

Tattoo this to your eyelids

Nobody cares what you can do. The world only cares about what you can do for them.

If you want to go far in life, understand that the world has needs.

Every person has needs.

Every organisation has needs.

And if you can fill those needs, you will always win big.

To paint a clearer picture for you, imagine this:

You’re walking down the street with someone you love, and all of a sudden they get shot.

Like, BANG with a gun kind of ‘shot’.

There’s blood everywhere, and you’re standing over their body crying out “Help!! I need a doctor!!!”

Then, a guy walks over and he says “Hey I can help?”

You ask, “Are you a doctor? Can you fix the bullet wound?”

They say, “No
 but I have a sport management degree, and I’m very polite, and I never forget my mother’s birthday”

Meanwhile, your loved one is in agony on the ground losing more and more blood with every second.

So you reply
 “I don’t CARE! I NEED a doctor. Are you a doctor or not??!!”

Now the ‘helpful’ guy is looking at you, confused, thinking, why don’t you want my help?

The truth is, this scenario happens every single day.

Only society and businesses are the ones bleeding on the ground.

And you are the ‘confused guy’ looking for an opportunity just to help.

If you want to be valuable, if you want to find new opportunities, if you want a step up in responsibility
 be like a doctor to a bullet wound, and show people how you can fix their problems.

Show people how you can fill their needs.

Anyway, all that and more good stuff about growing your career, networking, Linkedin, and more, can be found in my interview with Dylan Buckley below.



P.s. Big thanks to Deakin University for making this happen.

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