SportsGrad in London
What Reuben’s been up to in the UK
SportsGrad in London - What Reuben’s been up to in the UK
This week Reuben & Ryan catch up to chat all things SportsGrad in the UK, what Reuben’s been up to, who he’s been meeting, random opportunities that have come his way, plus what it’s like to attend the Lord’s Test match and why he got kicked out of the ground…
Hello friends! 👋
Welcome to the SportsGrad Podcast: The ultimate guide to make it in the sports industry!
Each week we share how people made it in sports and tease out their career decisions, work habits, skills, and everything they do that makes them great.
All so you can learn how to get in, get promoted, and get thriving in the sports industry.
SportsGrad in London
This week Reuben & Ryan catch up to chat all things SportsGrad in the UK, what Reuben’s been up to, who he’s been meeting, random opportunities that have come his way, plus what it’s like to attend the Lord’s Test match and why he got kicked out of the ground…
Additional episodes you may enjoy 👇
Community Wins ⭐️
The SportsGrad Community is an exclusive Membership for students, grads, and young professionals who want a job in sport.
Here’s what SportsGrad Members got up to last week...
Nitin Raj accepted a role as Venues Coordinator at FIFA Women’s World Cup
Sekhar Sridhar signed a contract with Cricket Australia to work on the upcoming 2023/2024 summer of Community Cricket
William Bolch received an offer at the Hawthorn Football Club as a Membership Consultant
SportsGrad Members have landed over 400+ jobs in sport.
If you've had a win, share it with us in the #wins channel on Discord!
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Want to land an awesome job in sport?
The SportsGrad Community makes it 1000x easier to land a dream job.
Join over 550+ Members enjoying...
🤝 Sports Industry Network: Grow your network in sport and learn from over 550+ like-minded Members from 50+ organisations in a private Discord group
🤫 Exclusive Job Board: The hidden job market lives in the SportsGrad Community, remove the competition with access to unadvertised roles
💬 Talk to Recruiters: Chat directly to the sports recruiting, get your name out there, and become memorable with companies hiring via Virtual Job Fairs
📚 Premium Resources: Access our library of Masterclasses to learn exactly how others have made it in the sports industry and what companies hire for
🗣 Speed Networking: Grow your network rapidly without sending a single ‘unseen’ cold message
🤑 Discounted Events: Get discounted prices to SportsGrad Meetups featuring panels and sporting events, plus discounts from our partner brands
P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:
Grow your network in the sports industry with like-minded peers and professionals at our Meetup Events
Join over 550+ Members who have landed 400+ roles in sport in the SportsGrad Community and get exclusive jobs, resources, events and discounts.
Grow your team with young guns in half the time and at a fraction of the cost. Post a job or let us recruit for you